Georgia Institute of Technology

Empirical Investigation of Post-Disaster Travel Behavior to Points of Distribution of Relief Supplies

The world has seen a surge in extreme weather events and increased challenges of disaster response. One overlooked factor complicating the distribution of relief supplies is the immediate decisions survivors make when seeking aid, which impacts the realized demand at various points of distribution (PODs) of relief supplies. This project aims to understand these critical […]

Empirical Investigation of Post-Disaster Travel Behavior to Points of Distribution of Relief Supplies Read More »

Promoting Sustainable Travel within Communities through Behavioral Interventions and Emerging Mobility Solutions: Stage 2

The primary objective of the project is to systematically nudge communities towards societal travel goals of mobility, accessibility, environmental sustainability, and equity by addressing the challenges of low adoption of sustainable travel modes (e.g., transit, walking, biking) and limited access to societal services/activities (e.g., jobs, medical, grocery stores) for disadvantaged groups (e.g., travelers in transit

Promoting Sustainable Travel within Communities through Behavioral Interventions and Emerging Mobility Solutions: Stage 2 Read More »

How Effective Are Attitudinal Variables at Improving Travel Behavior Models? Evaluation Using an Overlapping Sample From an Attitude-Rich Survey and the 2017 National Household Travel Survey

A line of research has recently been launched on attitude imputation using machine learning (ML) functions trained on variables common to two survey datasets (Mokhtarian, 2024). It was discovered that using a handful of attitudinal marker variables (i.e., the one or two attitudinal items most strongly associated with each attitude) as common variables for imputation

How Effective Are Attitudinal Variables at Improving Travel Behavior Models? Evaluation Using an Overlapping Sample From an Attitude-Rich Survey and the 2017 National Household Travel Survey Read More »

Improving Mobility Options through Transit Signal Priority (TSP)

TSP seeks to optimize the interaction between busses and the infrastructure, creating a minimum resistance path for transit buses through signalized intersections. TSP may improve travel time reliability (TTR), schedule adherence, and ultimately the quality of service and ridership for transit systems. Bhat and Sardesai explicitly includes of TTR in mode choice, demonstrating the significance

Improving Mobility Options through Transit Signal Priority (TSP) Read More »

How Complete are Your City’s Streets? Evaluating the Completeness of Urban Streets Using Big Data and Computer Vision

The main objectives of this project are: (1) development and validation of detection methods on the presence and width of individual elements of complete streets at street level, (2) development of a numeric index and typology to rate the completeness of streets, (3) curation of a publicly accessible database of various elements of complete street

How Complete are Your City’s Streets? Evaluating the Completeness of Urban Streets Using Big Data and Computer Vision Read More »

Travel Behavior Data (TBD) Hub

In an era characterized by transformative shifts in demographics, lifestyles, work patterns, technological advances, societal values, and climate and environmental conditions, decision-makers are now confronted with ever-increasing, multifaceted uncertainties. The TBD National Center has launched a flagship initiative, called the TBD Hub, to provide transportation decision-makers information and deep insights about the state of the

Travel Behavior Data (TBD) Hub Read More »

Promoting Sustainable Travel within Communities through Behavioral Interventions and Emerging Mobility Solutions

Traditionally, interventions to change travel behavior have relied on penalty-based approaches (such as tolls). Recent discussions have shifted towards monetary incentive-based approaches to promote sustainable modes. However, due to limited funding, relying on monetary incentives alone is not sustainable. Hence, it is important to explore the potential of sustainable non-monetary incentives such as gamification, nudges,

Promoting Sustainable Travel within Communities through Behavioral Interventions and Emerging Mobility Solutions Read More »

How Effective Are Marker Variables at Predicting Attitudinal Factor Scores? An Out-of-Sample Evaluation

Despite the fact that our existing models are not up to the job of predicting travel behavior in today’s rapidly changing landscape, and despite considerable evidence that attitudes help us explain behavior more completely and more meaningfully, attitudes are nowhere to be found in practice-oriented travel demand forecasting models.  Two main objections have been raised

How Effective Are Marker Variables at Predicting Attitudinal Factor Scores? An Out-of-Sample Evaluation Read More »

A Pilot Experimental Project for Predicting Pedestrian Flows using Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Walking for transportation, health, and pleasure is an essential part of people’s lives in most cities. Knowing where people linger, the destinations that attract them, and how those places are accessed could assist in optimizing business locations and providing better security. In addition, predicting and sharing congestion times and locations (perhaps in real-time as in

A Pilot Experimental Project for Predicting Pedestrian Flows using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Read More »

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