Promoting Sustainable Travel within Communities through Behavioral Interventions and Emerging Mobility Solutions

Term Start:

October 1, 2023

Term End:

May 31, 2024




Behavioral Interventions, Emerging Mobility Solutions, Sustainable Transportation

Thrust Area(s):

Equity and Understanding User Needs

University Lead:

Georgia Institute of Technology


Srinivas Peeta

Traditionally, interventions to change travel behavior have relied on penalty-based approaches (such as tolls). Recent discussions have shifted towards monetary incentive-based approaches to promote sustainable modes. However, due to limited funding, relying on monetary incentives alone is not sustainable. Hence, it is important to explore the potential of sustainable non-monetary incentives such as gamification, nudges, and targeted informational messages related to health, environment, and active transportation. To address challenge (1), the project will comprehensively explore a portfolio of behavioral interventions involving monetary and non-monetary incentives, and combinations thereof. Incorporating incentives instead of tolls/penalties provides equal access to these interventions for all travelers regardless of their sociodemographic characteristics.

This project will draw on methods from behavioral economics, data analytics, machine learning, multiobjective optimization, and simulation to generate solutions to achieve various societal travel goals. It will explore a range of behavioral interventions that accounts for traveler heterogeneity. It will propose a framework to achieve societal goals while ensuring accessibility equity for disadvantaged groups. It will engage PTC as a living lab to test the real-world applicability of the framework. The proposed framework has high potential to aid community management in achieving its societal goals.

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