
TBD Center excels in collecting, compiling, and analyzing diverse transportation data, including smartphone apps, surveys, and sensor deployments. Our focus is on comprehensively understanding transportation systems through various data sources, enabling detailed analysis and informed decision-making in the rapidly evolving mobility landscape.

TBD Flagship Project

The Transportation Heartbeat of America Survey

Embarking on an ambitious journey to unravel the intricacies of America’s travel behavior, the TBD Center introduces the ‘Transportation Heartbeat of America Survey (THAS).

TBD will deploy a comprehensive longitudinal travel behavior and demand survey across the nation for six years to obtain a statistically representative depiction of attitudes, values, choices, socio-economics, demographics, well-being, and mobility and accessibility. The unique aspect of this endeavor is that it will also include a survey of businesses and employers. Through the incorporation of a business-oriented survey, the data will track trends in employer-provided transportation benefits, work-from-home trends, and the use of e-commerce and delivery platforms to reach customers. The THAS will provide the nation with critical insights into the future of transportation and the priorities of the nation.

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The Transportation Heartbeat of America Survey

TBD will deploy a comprehensive longitudinal travel behavior and demand survey across the nation for six years to obtain a statistically representative depiction of attitudes, values, choices, socio-economics, demographics, well-being, and mobility and accessibility.

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