Smart Transportation Digital Infrastructure: Advancing System Equity, Resilience, and Safety through Multi-Source Open-Standard Data Integration

Term Start:

June 1, 2024

Term End:

May 31, 2026





Thrust Area(s):

Data Modeling and Analytic Tools, Equity and Understanding User Needs

University Lead:

Arizona State University


Xuesong Zhou; Irfan Batur; Dajiang Suo

The recently emerging trend of sensor technology, ubiquitous and high-performance computing is creating a revolutionary paradigm shift in the coming years. Through data and feedback, both simulated and real, a Digital Infrastructure (DI) for smart cities has received increasing attention. The pandemic, in many cases, is accelerating this need, as there are critical needs for analyzing the health and safety of citizens. With the rise of the digital infrastructure, cities have many adoptions in transportation, utilities, buildings, and citizen services. For community mobility applications, the pairing of the virtual and physical world allows analysis of data and monitoring of systems, evaluating different improvement strategies, and planning the future by using simulations. Smart Transportation Digital Infrastructure (STDI) is to create sustainable urban systems that benefit the citizens and societies at large. It represents a fundamentally new approach for close-loop large-scale system modeling, ubiquitous communication, and diverse data synthesis and can provide an integrated solution for data, simulation, connection, and human interaction, which are the four key elements of achieving the paradigm’s main functions for smart community applications.

There are three critical challenges for STDI: digital at scale, decision intelligence in data-intensive systems, and consistency between objectives, decisions, and execution. Open-STDI could not only dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of managing computers and simulation models but also redefines what is tractable regarding dispersed bi-directional intra-system communication between different community stakeholders and citizens. Therefore, connected and smart communities represent an ideal DI application, but one that requires transformative advances both within the traditional domains of city planning, community policy analysis, network behavior, and demand forecasting but also within the emerging field of DI itself.

This project aims to develop an Open data hub and Open-source data analysis platform for transportation-focused Open-STDI applications. That is, the proposed framework Open-STDI will deliver rapid prototyping of STDI and enable smarter multimodal policy decisions for transforming the livability, sustainability, and resilience of the community. A successful STDI in the project will enable both: (1) integration of a variety of legacy and emerging transportation data sources, covering supply, demand, resilience, safety, and security aspects, etc.; and (2) integration of data analysis, data visualization, traffic estimation on a unified platform. Designers, faculties, and engineers can use the integrated platform for quick, inexpensive prototyping of new ideas, which further provides a potential for creating new forms of citizen engagement by communities and new approaches to city operations and management by city planners. This project, in collaboration with the IEEE Department of Global Sales & Customer Operations, will primarily utilize data from IEEE National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) and OpenStreetMap data to understand mobility characteristics, and use Google mobility data to discover resilience features of transportation system.

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