Analysis and Implications of the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS)

Term Start:

July 1, 2024

Term End:

June 30, 2025




Freight, Travel Behavior, VIUS

Thrust Area(s):

Understanding User Needs

University Lead:

Arizona State University


Steven Polzin; Irfan Batur

To better understand the future of travel behavior and demand this research effort will explore the National Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS).  There is a keen interest in this survey as a result of the fact that a growing share of all travel is non-household-based travel for freight commercial and service functions. These functions account for an estimated 40% of all vehicle miles of travel and, due to the fact that they are larger vehicles, their energy use and emissions are disproportionate to their VMT share and represent a majority of all energy use and emissions for transportation. In addition, these vehicles, many owned by businesses and commercial entities, are different than household-owned vehicles in several respects including how decisions are made regarding their purchase and use. Many of these activities do not have travel alternatives such as bike and public transit that may be available for person trips. Thus, having a richer understanding of these vehicles and their utilization is important to modeling and understanding travel demand as well as influencing transportation policy strategies and investments.

Findings from the exploration of this survey will be contrasted with other sources of information regarding travel by these classifications of vehicles. It is anticipated that a comprehensive descriptive understanding of the use of these vehicles will facilitate understanding their role in things like transportation safety, transportation electrification, and future travel demand.  

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