Term Start:
June 1, 2024
Term End:
May 31, 2025
Aging Population, Mobility Challenges, Older Adults
Thrust Area(s):
Understanding User Needs
University Lead:
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
This project will use qualitative and quantitative research methods to better understand mobility-related challenges for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) older adults in order to provide government agencies and organizations such as National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) with recommendations for policy and program changes to pursue. Older adults are typically defined as people aged 55 or older. Programs and policies aimed at encouraging and keeping people healthy, independent, and mobile as they age are based on research and real-life experiences. While the real-life experiences of each person differ, the aging process affects hearing, eyesight, reaction times, balance, and overall ability to engage with and be mobile in their environment. Mobility is typically dependent on transportation options available, including walking, public transportation, various motor vehicles, and cycling. Each option comes with a set of ‘providers’ including oneself (in the case of walking), family members, public agencies, and private providers. One of the goals of ensuring an older adult continue to have transportation options and mobility is to maintain their life-space mobility, the ability of an older adult to navigate within their community for daily needs. Many factors, such as the built environment and transportation options available and accessible, affect an older adult’s life-space mobility. Further, race, ethnicity, economic status, locale, and family composition affect a person’s mobility. A few life-space mobility studies go beyond the typical assessment of an older adult’s physical ability, determining how the built environment affects mobility, and even suggest transportation policies for older adults. While some AAPI older adults may be included in the research, there is a lack of studies specifically focusing on older AAPI adults, especially factoring in the added safety risk related to Asian hate, which creates additional barriers to transportation and mobility. AAPIs have been the fastest-growing ethnic group in California since 2000, accounting for a significant portion of the state’s labor force. Nationwide, the AAPI community will increase to 11 percent of people 65 years and older in the United States by 2050. The transportation and mobility of older AAPI adults is hindered by a range of challenges. These include, but are not limited to, issues such as Asian hate, limited access to private vehicles and public transit, traffic safety and public security concerns, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as language, cultural, and technology barriers.
Since transportation and mobility can be limited for older adults, this project will focus on those 55 and older, recognizing the need to identify subgroups of older adults for whom the difference may be significant. We will study transportation and mobility for AAPI older adults in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area in California. The research will fill an existing gap within the academic community on the travel behavior of AAPI older adults. The project will include a literature review and a survey with selected follow-up interviews to develop a report with recommendations for government agencies and organizations such as NAPCA to address the transportation and mobility needs of older AAPI people. The project will develop a survey to gain much-needed details on the daily experiences of AAPI older adults in Southern California. Survey research is a well-respected and much-used method to reach many people, especially when offered online effectively. We plan to use a mixed-methods approach, i.e., obtain both quantitative and qualitative information from respondents. The team will carefully design the survey to be understandable in multiple languages and reduce the likelihood of bias.