Equity and Understanding User Needs

Investigating Travel Survey Representativeness: Who’s Missing and What Can We Do?

The core source of data for transportation planning and forecasting comes from household travel surveys. Travel surveys are used to obtain insight into the behavioral decisions of travelers; for example: (1) trip purposes such as work or shopping; (2) means/mode of transport such as car, walk, bus, etc.; (3) travel time; and (4) time of […]

Investigating Travel Survey Representativeness: Who’s Missing and What Can We Do? Read More »

Measuring the Impact of Transformative Transportation Technologies on Local Government Revenues Linked to Transportation Infrastructure

While significant planning and financing for major transportation infrastructure occurs at the federal and state levels, counties and municipalities also play a significant role and are most often the level of government citizens turn to when issues with transportation infrastructure arise. These governments often have responsibility for a range of roads, bridges, and other related

Measuring the Impact of Transformative Transportation Technologies on Local Government Revenues Linked to Transportation Infrastructure Read More »

Analysis and Implications of the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS)

To better understand the future of travel behavior and demand this research effort will explore the National Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS).  There is a keen interest in this survey as a result of the fact that a growing share of all travel is non-household-based travel for freight commercial and service functions. These functions

Analysis and Implications of the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) Read More »

Disabled Parking CV: Scalable Methods to Analyze Disability Parking Using Computer Vision and High-Resolution Aerial and Streetscape Images

People with disabilities disproportionately rely on public transportation to access employment, education, and healthcare services; however, public transit is not always available or equally distributed, which excludes social and community participation (Bascom & Christensen, 2017). Car transit is thus the only viable alternative. Since the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) of 1990, 4-8% of public

Disabled Parking CV: Scalable Methods to Analyze Disability Parking Using Computer Vision and High-Resolution Aerial and Streetscape Images Read More »

Michigan Mobility Metrics (M3): An Outcome-Focused, Multi-Year Survey Deployment and Data Collection Effort

Transportation modes, technologies, and the broader context within which people travel have evolved rapidly over the last decade. Examples of such changes include the introduction of: new/emerging modes like ridesharing and micromobility, electric and automated vehicle technologies, information and communication devices; and the increase in remote and hybrid work due to COVID-19. It is critical

Michigan Mobility Metrics (M3): An Outcome-Focused, Multi-Year Survey Deployment and Data Collection Effort Read More »

A Multidimensional Analysis for Understanding Walking Habits in Older Adults Post-Pandemic

This study addresses a critical gap in the literature by offering a novel analytical lens to understanding walking behaviors among older adults in the post-pandemic era. The walking survey of older adults in the US population to be used in the proposed research was undertaken through the Foresight 50+ Consumer Omnibus panel survey, which constitutes

A Multidimensional Analysis for Understanding Walking Habits in Older Adults Post-Pandemic Read More »

The Reverse Side of Online Shopping: Examining Sociodemographic and Built-Environment Determinants of Delivery Returns

E-commerce growth has transformed retail, offering unparalleled convenience but causing a surge in product delivery returns. Industry reports show 30% of online purchases are returned, compared to 9% for brick-and-mortar stores, resulting in an $817 billion financial burden in 2022, with online retail accounting for a quarter. The impacts extend beyond finances, straining logistics and

The Reverse Side of Online Shopping: Examining Sociodemographic and Built-Environment Determinants of Delivery Returns Read More »

An Evaluation of the Long-Term Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Transportation Use

Public transportation has experienced rapid changes in ridership over the past several years, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous studies have focused on how health concerns and social distancing/lockdown measures during the pandemic resulted in the immediate decline in public transportation usage. For instance, in many cities within the US, transit ridership declined to a

An Evaluation of the Long-Term Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Transportation Use Read More »

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