Data Modeling and Analytic Tools

Analysis of Changes in the Activity Prisms of Individuals to Predict a Shared Life Experience Metric Over Different Regions and Sociodemographic Groups

Technology has changed individuals’ travel behavior and time-use in so many ways. As much as it offers variety of benefits to societies, it may add to social exclusion phenomena, since the need for travel is being replaced by a click of a button in cell-phone. People don’t feel the need to leave their home to […]

Analysis of Changes in the Activity Prisms of Individuals to Predict a Shared Life Experience Metric Over Different Regions and Sociodemographic Groups Read More »

City-Wide Strategic EV Charging Network Design: Demand-Supply Integration via Market Dynamics

The transportation sector accounts for a massive portion of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, making the adoption of sustainable and low-emission alternatives crucial for mitigating climate change and improving air quality. Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution, offering reduced emissions and lower operating costs compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles.

City-Wide Strategic EV Charging Network Design: Demand-Supply Integration via Market Dynamics Read More »

Future Travel Foresight Catalyst: A Unique Approach to Exploring the Intersection of Transformative Technologies and Future Travel Behavior and Demand

A growing number of advanced technologies — including AI, automation, robotics, spatial computing, quantum technologies, and more — have the potential to revolutionize future travel behavior and demand. However successfully navigating the intersection between travel, emerging technologies, and a changing society, will demand bold new ideas and insights. Building on and integrating with the work

Future Travel Foresight Catalyst: A Unique Approach to Exploring the Intersection of Transformative Technologies and Future Travel Behavior and Demand Read More »

Deep Learning with LiDAR Point Cloud Data for Automatic Roadway Health Monitoring

Traditional methods for monitoring road conditions are fraught with challenges. Field inspections are labor-intensive and costly, aerial photography is subjective, and mobile measurement systems (MMS) require substantial investment in geospatial technology. In response to these limitations, there is a growing interest in leveraging advanced 3D scanning technologies, such as LiDAR and RGB-D scanners, in conjunction

Deep Learning with LiDAR Point Cloud Data for Automatic Roadway Health Monitoring Read More »

How Effective Are Marker Variables at Predicting Attitudinal Factor Scores? An Out-of-Sample Evaluation

Despite the fact that our existing models are not up to the job of predicting travel behavior in today’s rapidly changing landscape, and despite considerable evidence that attitudes help us explain behavior more completely and more meaningfully, attitudes are nowhere to be found in practice-oriented travel demand forecasting models.  Two main objections have been raised

How Effective Are Marker Variables at Predicting Attitudinal Factor Scores? An Out-of-Sample Evaluation Read More »

A Pilot Study to Integrate Mobility Data Collection APPs with Personalized Recommendation Systems

Recent years have witnessed many efforts to use smartphones to collect travel data. Typical examples include the automatic collection of sensor data such as location, accelerometer, or microphone readings, and personalized recommendation/behavior modification by gamifying travel and providing incentives for particular mode choices or building route choice models for active transportation modes such as bicycling.

A Pilot Study to Integrate Mobility Data Collection APPs with Personalized Recommendation Systems Read More »

A Pilot Experimental Project for Predicting Pedestrian Flows using Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Walking for transportation, health, and pleasure is an essential part of people’s lives in most cities. Knowing where people linger, the destinations that attract them, and how those places are accessed could assist in optimizing business locations and providing better security. In addition, predicting and sharing congestion times and locations (perhaps in real-time as in

A Pilot Experimental Project for Predicting Pedestrian Flows using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Read More »

Measuring the Last-Mile: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Synthesis Approaches to Address Data Gaps for Local Freight Decision-Making (Phase 1)

Currently, few municipal or regional authorities have access to the disaggregate freight activity data needed for planning, operational decision-making, freight externality evaluation (e.g. air pollution, collision risk), or equity analysis. Due to stakeholder privacy concerns, freight data are often aggregated by geography and/or commodity, limiting direct applicability of published data for local analysis. As a

Measuring the Last-Mile: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Synthesis Approaches to Address Data Gaps for Local Freight Decision-Making (Phase 1) Read More »

Teleworking to Play or Playing to Telework? A Latent Segmentation Approach to Exploring the Relationship Between Telework and Nonwork Travel

Technology has evolved at a tremendous pace over the past decade, permeating into our everyday existence and affecting literally every aspect of our lives. Our activity-travel choices have been no exception in this regard, as we make continuous and joint decisions about which activities we can and want to undertake (either in-person or virtually). Add

Teleworking to Play or Playing to Telework? A Latent Segmentation Approach to Exploring the Relationship Between Telework and Nonwork Travel Read More »

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