
Analysis of Changes in the Activity Prisms of Individuals to Predict a Shared Life Experience Metric Over Different Regions and Sociodemographic Groups

Technology has changed individuals’ travel behavior and time-use in so many ways. As much as it offers variety of benefits to societies, it may add to social exclusion phenomena, since the need for travel is being replaced by a click of a button in cell-phone. People don’t feel the need to leave their home to […]

Analysis of Changes in the Activity Prisms of Individuals to Predict a Shared Life Experience Metric Over Different Regions and Sociodemographic Groups Read More »

The Differential Accessibility Effects of Work from Home: Travel Behavior Outcomes and Transportation Equity Implications

Researchers have long highlighted the potential effects of telework on the geography of opportunity in metropolitan areas. Telework, despite increasing accessibility to certain job markets, can further cause employment and population to decentralize, facilitating a spatially dispersed pattern of metropolitan growth. This could exacerbate existing disparities and inequities, making it harder for disadvantaged and transit-dependent

The Differential Accessibility Effects of Work from Home: Travel Behavior Outcomes and Transportation Equity Implications Read More »

Identifying Travel Needs, Barriers, and Solutions

Access to affordable, reliable, safe, and convenient transportation resources is a fundamental determinant of well-being and social inclusion. Historically and currently disadvantaged population groups often face unique travel needs and barriers that can significantly impact their daily lives. This research project aims to investigate and address these challenges within these communities, ultimately contributing to improved

Identifying Travel Needs, Barriers, and Solutions Read More »

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