TBD’s Symposium “Back to Foundations: Travel Demand Analysis in a Fast Evolving Transportation Landscape”

The TBD National Center organized and sponsored a 3-day symposium, titled “Back to Foundations: Travel Demand Analysis in a Fast Evolving Transportation Landscape”. The symposium brought together over 30 experts from across the globe in academia, industry, and the public sector. This invitation-only event, hosted at the University of Texas at Austin from October 29 to November 1, 2023, focused on the intersection of technology and travel behavior in today’s rapidly evolving transportation landscape.

Key discussion points from the symposium included:

  • Technological Impact on Travel Patterns: Discussions centered on how automation and digitization are reshaping individual travel decisions within time and budget constraints.
  • Adoption of Emerging Mobility Services: Insights into how the integration of new mobility technologies, such as electric and automated vehicles, is transforming urban travel.
  • Spatial Choices and ICT Technologies: Analysis of how information and communication technologies are influencing short-term and long-term spatial decisions, including activity locations and residential preferences.
  • Data Fusion for Capturing Travel Behavior: Strategies for combining traditional and emerging data sources to enhance the understanding of travel patterns.
  • Route Choice and Behavioral Factors: Examination of how pricing models and diverse vehicle types are influencing route choices and overall travel behavior.

The symposium served as a pivotal platform for rethinking transportation concepts and methodologies in a rapidly changing world, setting the stage for future research and policy development in the field.

Stay tuned for detailed reports and papers from the event, which promise to offer valuable insights into the future of travel and transportation.

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